Give me drugs?


“I’m not interested in being Wonder Woman in the delivery room.  Give me drugs.”   – Madonna


I (Scott) didn’t use any drugs for the birth of our four children. I (Clare) thought he was a very brave birth coach! What a great day we live in.  Because of medical advancements we are able to endure and overcome threats generations before us could not.  But what have we lost with our numbing solutions.  What have we missed with our ease?  Some pain has value that we shouldn’t medicate or eliminate.  Paul tells us (midday prayers below) that “the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time….groaning inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption, the redemption of our bodies.  The groaning we feel is for God and God alone.  Lets stay with the pain as we wait in joyful hope of the coming of our savior.  Don’t use quick fixes or avoidance … feel the depth of your groaning for what only God can give.


Practice for Lent


Give up – Quick fixes and find your satisfaction in a close relationship with God.

Give in – find spiritual practices that connect your groanings to God.

Give out – your time to coach someone who doesn’t know what the groaning they are feeling means.

Please pray for Dick Loughrige today (Scott’s dad).  He is undergoing serious surgery.  Pray for nothing less than God’s very best for this precious man… he is dearly loved by all who know him.

Midday Prayers click below

mdp friday wk3

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